Archive for Category: Lab Design

How to Design a Virology Lab
11.15.2022 | Sydney Cross

How to Design a Virology Lab

In the wake of the pandemic, few scientific disciplines have grown as much as virology. This field, which focuses on the study of diseases, is growing rapidly, and many labs are finding it hard to keep up with the increased demand. Many laboratory managers seek to expand their spaces to accommodate these needs, but this

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How to Design a Toxicology Lab
11.03.2022 | Sydney Cross

How to Design a Toxicology Lab

Of the many scientific fields, one of the most salient may be toxicology. The professionals of this scientific branch devote themselves to studying poisons and banned substances, making the world safer. However, they cannot do their jobs alone; toxicologists require a laboratory, and those spaces must be filled with unique equipment. Toxicology lab design is

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2022 Lab Design Trends
11.03.2022 | Sydney Cross

2022 Lab Design Trends

As the year comes to a close, designers are busier than ever. This festive time of the year is when many lab designers — including the specialists at OnePointe Solutions — review the past 12 months of development within their field. For laboratory designers, the past few years have been filled with new and unique

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LEED and Well lab design
10.17.2022 | Sydney Cross

LEED and WELL Lab Design Considerations

When you’re tackling a remodeling project, — whether it’s a simple redesign, a complete overhaul, or a complex relocation — you want to design for the future. Laboratories should fit the needs of occupants, workers, and the surrounding community. To ensure these standards, two major design certifications were established: LEED and WELL. Today, we’ll examine

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How to Design a Modern School Computer Lab
10.12.2022 | Sydney Cross

Designing a Modern School Computer Lab

Before the advent of the home computer in the 1980s, schools were often the only place kids and teens ever had access to computers. Now, in an age where smartphones are ubiquitous, the computer lab might seem like an outdated concept. But this is not true! The modern computer lab is a space that can

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How To Design a Sustainable Lab
10.11.2022 | Sydney Cross

How To Design a Sustainable Lab

As institutions dedicated to advancing our understanding of the world, scientific laboratories should be pillars of advancement. That’s why OnePointe Solutions is always eager to improve a laboratory’s sustainability. When working on a sustainable lab design, lab designers must examine multiple points of view. As important as it may be to reduce energy consumption, scientific

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The Importance of Quality Assurance in Laboratories
09.15.2022 | Sydney Cross

The Importance of Quality Assurance in Laboratories

In any lab environment, especially a clinic, it’s vital that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. The best way to go about this is by preventing problems before they have the chance to appear through a strong quality assurance process. So, what is quality assurance, why is it important, and how can you make sure your

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How to design a pathology lab
07.28.2022 | Sydney Cross

How To Design a Pathology Lab

At the intersection of science and medicine, there’s pathology. This is the study of diseases, and — for fairly obvious reasons — it’s a huge field right now. Pathology labs are growing at an unprecedented rate, and that means more people are asking about how to design a pathology lab. At OnePointe Solutions, we’ve worked

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how to design a molecular testing lab
07.22.2022 | Sydney Cross

How To Design a Molecular Testing Lab

Molecular testing labs are highly specialized spaces made to fit the needs of the discipline, which means that they must be built to certain specifications. In addition to plenty of atmospheric safeguards, molecular laboratories often house large, heavy equipment. All of these features must be considered when a builder is thinking about how to design

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